Before you feel too bad for me having to “work over my lunch hour”, let me explain what that might mean for a poker player. I got up at 11 A.M. and read in bed until about noon.
Then I went to the kitchen where I logged into Party Poker. I joined a 2/4 table and began making myself stir-fry for lunch. (If it is your first meal of the day at noon, is it still called lunch? Correction, my first meal of the day was at 2 a.m. when I had a bowl of ice cream. So I guess this was lunch. Grin)
Anyway, I sat down with my bowl of rice and began to play. By the time lunch was over, I was up $50 so I logged off and went to take a shower and get dressed.
This is the fun part of this lifestyle. I am in a good mood today. I have depression that is affected by how sunny it is or isn’t. December is always a hard month for me because of the “shortness” of the days. It is also the month we get most of our rain for the year.
And those two holidays in December, I find pretty disgusting. The Christian Holiday called Christmas that has nothing to do with Jesus, and pressures people to go deeper in debt. Yet the name is still offensive to certain people who fight to call it something else.

Then the pagan holiday that is dedicated to drinking as much as you can and then yelling, singing a stupid song (that nobody knows the words to), and kissing strangers at midnight.
Then comes the great month of January.
In Southern California, it is usually filled with Sunday warm days that are perfect at the beach. The days begin getting longer. I occasionally glance up at the weather on TV and see snow and cold in many parts of this country.
Here in San Diego I could be a weatherman. Tomorrow will be sunny and clear with Highs in the 7

Of course, there are a few down sides to living here. Crowds, traffic, high prices etc, etc.
But I have a vivid memory of being 9 years old in Chicago on New Years day.
I was watching the Rose Parade on TV. I was indoor, because the weather outside was sub-artic and that is what you do there between Thanksgiving and Easter.
What was so vivid then to me, was that those people on TV at the Rose Parade were not even wearing coats, nor for that matter, gloves, ear muffs, hats, long underwear, snow boots and wool scarves.
And it was sunny! I didn’t quite know where that place was but I knew when I grew up I was going to live there.
That resolve stayed with me until one week after High School Graduation.
I bought a one-way ticket to Los Angeles International Airport and left the frozen tundra forever. (Well, it actually wasn’t frozen then, because it was July and the temp and humidity were both almost at 100! The mosquito population was almost to the size where they could carry away small animals. That usually lasts until the first frost sometime in October. Sometimes, you do get a break for a few days when a tornado comes through and blows them all to Kansas.)
When I touched down in LA I was met by my buddy Bruce who had gone there a year earlier. I had mentioned that story a little earlier in this blog. I will tell you more stories and how I met my great wife Caren in L.A. She was an original Valley Girl just before they became famous.
Well, I need to go and teach my last class until summer at the San Diego Community College. This course is Microsoft Exchange Server Administration
I don’t really feel like doing it, but the students have a lab project to finish and I may show an hour of a webcast. Because of it being the last night of class I think we will end early.
Poker is waiting…..

I put in a proposal to teach an class about On-line Poker playing for fun and profit, but the administration turned me down. Can you imagine that. I know I would have filled the class and we would have had a waiting list.
BTW, I usually play whenever I am adding to this blog. I am up a little so it is time to shut down the other computer and get ready to leave.
Well, because this is a Poker Blog, and I was a little hard on ThunderKeller a few posts ago, I have included a short excerpt by him from an article in Card Player. I think it is great poker info.
“You must play much tighter in full games than in shorthanded games. You also must play tighter in aggressive games. Therefore, these types of games will likely most suit players who are inclined to play very tight and disciplined preflop, and have the patience to wait around (sometimes for many hours) without playing a big pot. Shorthanded games, especially heads-up games, require a widely different set of skills. Depending on how aggressive your opponents are, you may want to play much looser and more aggressively preflop. If your opponents are passive, these types of games will favor players who like to play more aggressively and gamble more. So, if you’re more of a gambler than a rock, I recommend playing in soft, passive games as opposed to more aggressive ones. If your opponents are already playing extremely aggressively, you must adjust by playing tighter both preflop and post-flop, and if you cannot do this, I recommend that you find a different game” www.thunderkeller.com