I played last night at the “Village Club” in Chula Vista and left there about 3:30 A.M. when the 8/16 hold-em game was starting to look like it might “break”. It was a good game and I left “up” about $900.
It is nights like last night that encourage me I can make it as a “pro”. However, I didn’t get up until about 11:00 a.m. and after making breakfast, I forget I had an appointment at noon. Poker life for me is becoming very consuming. Daily I study, play live, or play on-line. I also have started this Blog and am getting involved over at Thunderkellers, hoping it can become a place where I can get advice and encouragement from some other aspiring professionals. I don’t know any here locally yet.
I also have an idea for forming a Christian Poker Association. One of the challenges for me as a former pastor and a Christian, is my faith, is still a very important part of me. My best two friends are a “Pastor and the other is a Bible College Instructor”. One of them really values what I am doing the other is struggling with even understanding how what I am doing is not anti-Christian. (There will be a lot more about that as I find others to dialog with who both play poker professionally and take their faith and commitment to Biblical values seriously.)
I mentioned in a previous blog, dropping out of Bible College and joining the U.S. Army. As far as poker went during my 4 years in the Army the few times I did play, I usually lost my monthly paycheck and survived the rest of the month on eating only Army food and staying on the military base. But, overall, poker was not really a part of my military life.
When I was discharged from the army I dutifully returned to Bible College. I earned a B.A. in Biblical Studies, met & married my wife Caren and became an “ordained” minister. Now I was ready to go off and “save” the world. Little did I know, the world didn’t want to be “saved”, nor was I the person to do it. But, that is another story, that I will tell in a future blog about my first Pastor "job" in Minnesota.
But, today, after I finish getting ready, I am taking my RV and heading out for two days of Poker at a couple of casino’s where I can play as long or little as I like. I will have my RV with me so I can spend the night at the Casino without spending any of my profits for room or board.

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