Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Almost a year to write 2 posts...

If you count the amount of time it took me before I wrote the last post from the previous one, then when you factor in the amount of time it took me to write this one, it has taken almost a year to write two posts.

Before, anyone jumps to the spurious conclusion that it takes me a long time to actually write I have to confess that I spent maybe 20 minutes writing the last post. I plan on spending about 20-30 minutes to write this one. Wow, that is a lot of time between doing what I think is important for me to do. I could offer excuses, but the reality is, I need to just say more no's to less important things in my life and do what leaves a legacy. Writing does. Just do it......

More then a thought, even more then the misquoted memory of a friend you spoke something to, writing down your thoughts leaves clearer trails for those coming behind you. It also leaves more acurate tidbits from points in time, for you to refer back to, as reminders of where you have been, what was important to you back then, and how much the same or different both you and life are today.

I continue to play poker for a living. I have just gone beyond my third year of playing on a regular basis and if this were my only income I would be living much simpler then I am thanks to my wife's employment.

I am a winning player, but only slightly. I keep believing, something is going to click inside of me to result in world-clas great play. I still foster hope that an incredible run of good cards and luck will move me up to ladder much quicker then I am plodding along. I watch poker on TV, read everybook published, read blogs, and watch training videos from the three major producers.

But, alas on-line I am still playing 1-2 no-limit and in casino's I play 2-3 and sometimes "dip my toe" into a juicy 5-10 no-limit game.

This is what I want to do. My incredible wife of 36 years, loves me and supports me.

Life is good.

I think I have been at this about the same amount of time Brian Townsend has. We both started at the same place with the same committment of full-time every day and a committment to move to the top. He has made it. I am still here. Where in lies the difference in results?

I don't know yet. But, when I figure it out, you will be the first to know.

I intend to write more later, but back to the game........

1 comment:

Dyscombobulated said...

Poker blogs are so interesting. Mostly I restrict my poker playing to FulTilt play money... I figure that's cheaper considering what a lousy player I am. Hope you'll continue with the writing and it's great that you recognize its value as a legacy. I work in the poker room at the Muckleshoot as a Board and Brush. I'm the bald guy that makes the sesquipedalian proclamations on the microphone... so next time you're in there say hi.
