Visiting Scott's memorial yesterday still has me thinking about "life issue" thoughts. When we travel in the RV it is always an easy time to shift your thoughts and see life from other's perspectives. We see million dollar RV's "sail" past us on the highways. We see people who have unbelievable wealth and estates. We also see people living in hovels, old trailers near trash heaps and the homeless.
(click on the cartoon to be able to read it, then use your browser back arrow to return to the blog)
Our nation seems to have gone to the "temples of greed" and materialism and "worshipped" with all their heart, souls and minds and the "god's of these three have not served our country well. This little cartoon says a lot to me about out national "belief system" today.
Are you better off today then 8 years ago is a question the politicians like to throw to us. They know our values, and our pursuits seem to be nearly unamimously focused toward the material. And our answers serve to "blind us"to the better questions that we should ask ourselves.
Am I a better dad, husband, citizen, human being then I was 8 years ago? When I leave this planet with hindsight I will with greater clarity see what every visitor to a graveyard or mermorial park realizes are the true measure of greatness that last forever. How much of my energy, motivation, time and resources did I invest in my family, my loved ones, my friends, my neighbors and even in loving my enemies? Radical ideas, nah, about 2,000 years old. Politics and religion have only confused us regarding them. Some seem to pacify themselves that their religious beliefs exempt them from those questions. Some non-religious think their working for "issues" exempt them from those questions. Answering those questions with our choices is the only way they get answered.

1 comment:
Sitting in an Internet Cafe in Cebu City, just got a haircut here, first time I have had a guy use a straight blade razor to trim me since the day I got married in 1969.
I have one more meeting tonight with local leaders and then off to Seoul in the morning, 10 hour layover there then to LAX and I'll see you guys.
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