Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Pot odds, simple, implied, manipulated, oh, my!

This afternoon I am going to Sycuan Casino to play 2/4 hold-em from about 4-11 p.m. I am going to be concetraing on pot odds and calls only when they are in my favor.

Since this week I am going to be concentrating on making only “good pot odds” calls. I thought I would focus this blog on “simple pot odds”. I consider myself a "student of poker" not an expert just yet, so I offer the following, as what I understand thus far regarding pot odds. I am open to feedback or more information regarding "pot odds".

Because many people have heard of pot odds, but really don't understand, exactly, what that means, I have decided to reproduce an odds “cheat sheet” & a very simplistic explanation of pot odds. Pots odds only include what is actually in the pot at the present time. "Implied pot odds" is another subject, I will present at a later time.

The table below can help you learn how pot odds correlate with "how many outs" you have.

Here is a very simple example of using this chart. Let’s assume it is only you and one other player. He bets $10 at the turn and there is $40 in the pot. You need to call the $10 to see if you could make your flush on the river. Consulting the chart would show you, it would be just about the right odds for you to call the $10 seeing that you were getting 4-1 odds.

However, to draw to a open-ended straight in that same position would not be good “pot odds” because the pot would be offering you 4-1 odds, but the odds of making your straight would be almost 7-1. Therefore the pot would need to contain $70 for you to make that straight call with good pot odds.

If you would like to learn more about pot odds, Wikipedia has a great entry

Pot Odds Cheat Sheet

The cheat sheet below shows odds against making your hand with both 2 cards to come as well as 1 card.

Outs2 Cards to come1 Card to come

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