Tuesday, October 10, 2006

One day, seven Casinos

Well, I finally had a losing session. It wasn’t bad though. I lost $100 playing 4/8 at the Drift On Inn after 3 hours of play there tonight.

Today, has been a marathon of Casinos for me.

I woke up this morning and left the Tulalip Indian Casino and drove into Everett, Washington and stopped first at the New Grove Casino.

They have my vote for the friendliest casino I have ever been in. After you give your name, each of the dealers calls you by name. Even the dealers, who have just come on shift, after you have been there awhile, call you by your name. The regular players each call you by your name. The level of respect was truly remarkable.

I played 3/6 Omaha until a seat in the 4/8 Hold-em game opened up. I moved tables about $20 up. I then played another two hours and left this casino up $12.

I drove a little farther south on Hwy 99 and came to an Iron Horse casino. There was a tournament starting in a half hour, so I went out to the RV and made dinner for pokey and me.

There were 24 people in the tournament and I finished in 5th place. It paid me $25 which was the amount of the buy-in. So I broke even for the tournament.

I drove just a little further down Hwy 99 and stopped in at the Royal Casino. All they had was one table of 3/6. When I told the board man “I think I will drive a little more”, he said, “that’s a good idea”, looking over at the guys at the table. I am not sure what exactly that meant, but I thanked him and started out the door. I noticed they had a lot of decks of cards stacked over in the corner and I requested some for the patients at Caren’s hospital program. They were very gracious and gave me an entire case of used decks of cards for her.

Another 10 miles down the road I stopped in at the Silver Dollar Casino. They did not have any poker going at the time so I went down the block to the Red Dragon Casino. As you may guess, it appeared to have Asian ownership and a lot of Asian customers. I played 4/8 for a few hours and was served a free Chinese dinner of General Tso Chicken over broccoli. It was very delicious.

I left there up 2 dollars, plus a free meal, and drove down the road and saw the Drift-on Inn. I had stopped there on the way north and had a very nice time.

This time I decided to park right by the casino entrance so I could spend the night in what I believe to be a safe, well-lit area. The last time I was here I parked on the perimeter of the parking lot and the area did not feel that safe to me.

So the net count today is 7 casinos visited and about a net $80 loss. I sure got in a lot of hands of poker for that $80 and if I hadn’t made a dumb mistake on one of the last hands I played, I would have broken even.

I had a 5,6 and the flop came 776. I bet out and 4 people called. I assumed one of them must have the 7. The turn was an 8 and I checked. Three people bet. I decided to call because the pot odds were good and I had an open ended straight draw. I probably should have raised, but I went passive on this hand, which is usually not a good thing to do.
Then the river came a Q and I checked and two people called. They were both good players. I thought one of them surely has a 7. The first caller threw his hand in face down for a fold after getting called. The second one turned up an A9. All he had was an Ace High. I would have won with my pair of 6’s he bluffed both me and the other guy who threw his hand face down out of the pot. It was a good play and maybe, if I had not played all day, I would have called and won, like I should have because of the amount of money in the pot.

Oh, well, that really is the only mistake I can think of that I made today, and it didn’t cost me too much, so I am not going to be too hard on myself for that one. I am going to just try not to do it again.

Well, tomorrow is another day. Hopefully, it will be clear, because I am hoping to do a little sightseeing in the east suburbs of Seattle.


Anonymous said...

The grove ugh? How was that? LOL

Depending on the time of day, it may very well be the biggest 4-8 kill game you've ever played in.

The dragon is owned by Parker’s...FYI.

dave_dillman said...

Thanks for the FYI....

I was not impressed with the Dragon as you read... but I had to admit the Grove was short on looks, and poker talent, but long on being friendly....